
The Keystone 99s invite any aspiring female pilots interested in aviation to attend any Ninety-Nines Event. Our meetings and events are listed on the calendar page. To contact us, email

Women pilots holding a private, recreational or sport pilot license or higher may join The 99s International Women Pilots Organization as a full member. Student pilots holding a valid third class medical may join as an Associate member. Benefits of membership include eligibility for scholarships toward completion of the private license or any advanced rating, or an aviation-related college degree or technical training such as Airframe & Powerplant or Air Traffic Control.

Current Officers:
President — Diana
Vice President — Rosanne
Secretary — Amy
Treasurer — Diana

Current Committee chairs:
Membership Chair — Nancy M
Scholarship Chair — TBD

Social Media:
Website — Kitt
Facebook — Rosanne

For more information about the 99s International Women Pilots Organization and how to join, visit