Provide support, encouragement and networking opportunities for women pilots
We organize fun and educational activities for our members, including fly-outs, tower tours, safety seminars and travel to many general aviation destinations. We’ve been to Sun ‘N Fun, the National Air and Space Museum at Dulles and the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier in New York, and we’ve toured the Lycoming factory in Williamsport, to name a few.
We have members at all levels, from student pilot to ATP, so you’re sure to find a study partner, safety pilot, or advice and encouragement from someone who’s had similar experiences.
Educate youth about aviation
ZOOM Presentation to 4th grades in Allentown by Commercial Pilot Rosanne SJ. Showing how to make an Anemometer with paper cups.

We’ve given presentations at schools and hosted airport visits for girl and boy scouts. We developed a curriculum and gathered materials for lessons on the physics of flight, parts of the aircraft, instruments, and navigation. From 2001 – 2008 we held an annual “Take Flight Day” for Great Valley Girl Scouts (and received a partner award in 2006). We also received the Aviation Education Award from the Pennsylvania Aviation Council in 2002. If you know of a school or other youth group that would like to learn about aviation, email us at
Provide support, encouragement and networking opportunities for women pilots
We’ve participated in airport open houses, science fairs and other public events, and we’ve been the subject of local news articles through our outreach events and simply as women pilots. Those of us who work outside of aviation represent general aviation to friends, coworkers and everyone else we contact.
Our recent activities:
December 8 – In lieu of having a business meeting in December, we opted to have a Holiday party. Rosanne graciously hosted a good number of Keystone 99’s. It was great to see some returning members as well as new members. A buffet-style dinner was served, stories were shared and even some Polka Dancing broke out at the end of the night between Helen and Rosanne. Lastly, members gathered some food stuffs for those in need to be donated. Thank you all who could make it, and if you couldn’t you were in our thoughts. Wishing everybody a happy holiday season and a grand new year.
November 22 – Tracy Elementary – Easton, PA — Members Rosanne and Amy fielded questions and demonstrated what it means to be a pilot to over 300 fourth and fifth graders from Tracy and Shawnee Elementary schools. A big hit was showing the kids the iPad Rosanne uses at work. She showed them how we (pilots) know where we’re going (route maps), as well as the various weather maps. They definitely found a few new aviators waiting to start their flying lessons!

November 18 — Keystone Member Nancy M. attended the lecture of Dr. Cecilia Aragon at Lafayette College. Nancy was so inspired by Dr. Aragon’s journey, how she became an air show pilot, author, professor, and first Latino pilot on the US Aerobatic team. Many of the things Dr. Aragon spoke of resonated with Nancy’s own flight journey, and how perseverance pays off.

If you’re looking for some inspiration of your own, check out Dr. Aragon’s lecture on YouTube
October 26, 2024 – Grime’s Airfield (8N1) – Bethel, PA — A few members met up and had fun at the Great Pumpkin Drop wings and wheels show at Grimes Airfield. The Pumpkin Drop was the highlight. People would pay a small fee, pick a pumpkin and get a ride in the airplane. Than at 300’ they would drop the pumpkin, trying to hit the car below them. The candy drop was fun for the kids. They had tow airplanes dropping candy from the sky including the pink Aeronca Champ piloted by Caroline.

Friday October 18, 2024 – Knoebel’s – Elysburg, PA — Anneliese, Nancy, Sally and Susannah made a trip up to Knoebel’s family theme park for the day. They had a few future aviators with them, too. It’s great seeing our members getting out there and bonding.

August 28,2024 – Quakertown Airport (KUKT) – Quakertown, PA — Member Meghan earned her wings at Quakertown Airport (KUKT), passing her Private Pilot checkride! Congratulations!

Sept 14, 2024 – Spooktacular Balloon Fest – Slatington Airport (69N) — A few members, Rosanne, Amy, Helen and her husband attended the Spooktacular Balloon Fest at Slatington Airport (69N). Some members even got into a gondola! The pictures at night look especially neat. Happy to see members getting out and about!

August 23, 2024 – Let’s Fly Now (Eastern PA) – Van Sant Airfield (9N1) – Erwinna, PA — A few 99’s made their way to Van Sant to participate in this Let’s Fly Now event. As one of the presenters, Kitt gave an inspiring speech about her journey in aviation from being a little girl looking up to a professional pilot soaring above. Other presentations included aircraft maintenance, ATC, wing-walking and more. After the presentations were complete, participants were able to take a flight in one of various vintage aircraft flown by a wonderful team of volunteers. Thank you Van Sant and Eastern PA for hosting this successful event!

August 22, 2024 – Allentown International Airport (KABE) – Allentown, PA — Some Keystone’s got out-and-about spreading aviation and inspiration to the public. Members Diana, Amy, Kitt and surprise guest Rosanne participated in KABE’s Aviation Week in the airline terminal. This event is put on annually to reach out to the public about opportunities in aviation. We were also joined by representatives from the EAA Young Eagles and Civil Air Patrol.

July 2024 – Queen City Municipal Airport (KXLL) – Queen City, PA — Devin completed her Instrument Rating at Fly Gateway at Queen City Airport on her birthday! This is no easy feat and a wonderful birthday gift. Keep up the great work.

July 2-7, 2024 – Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront – Vancouver, BC, Canada — Representing the Keystone Chapter, Eva made her way up to the 99’s International Convention in Vancouver, Canada! “Vancouver was an ideal location for The Ninety-Nines International Conference! Beautiful tours, outstanding speakers and connecting with fellow members were all very memorable for this experience. I’m looking forward to sharing more with our Keystone Chapter at our next gathering. “ -Eva

June 16, 2024 – Pegasus Airpark EAA839 Fly-In Pancake Breakfast – Stroudsburg PA –Anna M., Keystone 99 member was showing off her RC Glider in preparation for her Junior Nationals Competition coming up in Norway. Anna explained to fellow Keystone 99 Rosanne S. how she will be judged in the competition and how she will manipulate her RC to maximize her time allotted. Great smiles and wishing Anna the best at the competition! If you would like to learn more or support Anna and her team please go here.

June 7-9, 2024 – KRDG Reading Regional Airport WWII Weekend – Reading, PA –Keystone 99 members Eva, Jacqueline and Amy volunteered at WWII Weekend in Reading, PA June 7-9, 2024. Member Rosanne met up with these ladies to watch the airshow. It’s always great seeing these important aircraft fly and to be immersed in the ’40s time period.

May 19, 2024 – Lehigh Valley Int’l Airport Tower Tour – Allentown, PA –We had 14 participants learning how things work “on the other side of the mic”. We were able to watch TRACON accept/hand off aircraft, maintain separation, contact other sectors for reroutes, altitude changes, etc. The tower controllers showed us various operations they deal with including: traffic management; light gun operations; and coordination between ground, tower and departure/arrival control. We viewed the training area as well, where new controllers practice, train and get evaluations.

May 11, 2024 – Pottstown-Heritage Field Fly-in/Drive-In – Pottstown, PA — A great turnout and a great day for the Keystones! Amy and daughter, Samantha; Eva, Rosanne, Susannah, Jacqueline, and Nancy participated (first picture). They had a table set up with activities for the kids such as making hoop gliders, pilot epaulets, and bracelets. Take-aways included aviator coloring books, spinners and wings, as well as the photo-op with our Keystone 99’s photo frame! A chat with a visiting 99-er all the way from Des Moines, IA was a nice surprise.

April 13, 2024 – Iron Pigs Volunteer Fundraiser – Allentown, PA — Despite the high gusty winds and chilly temps, the game did go on at Coca-Cola Park. It was a blast serving customers and catching some of the game while raising funds for our operating expenses. We even got to hot dog around a bit (bad joke, I know). Thank you Rosanne, Nancy, Eva, Jackie, and Diane! If you’re a Keystone member and would like to help out, keep an eye out in your email for our next night at the ballpark.

March 18, 2024 – Girls in Aviation Day – Northeast Philadelphia Airport, PA — This was a Women in Aviation International event facilitated by Aviation Influence. Over 700 attendees and exhibitors participated! It was a day full of activities and learning about all aspects of aviation. We showed attendees how to make a hoop glider customized with their phonetic initials. We also had a fun selfie frame. Thank you Rosanne, Toni, Nancy, Kitt, Caroline, Jackie, Diana, and Eva for a very successful and fun day!

March 13, 2024 – Career Day – Lehigh Valley, PA — Rosanne teamed up with Paula and Leann from the LVIAA/ABE airport to help inspire high school students to a career in aviation. They provided High School students career information for both airport (on ground) opportunities as well as flying (pilot and flight attendant) careers.

February 21, 2024 – Keystone Chapter Meeting – Indian Valley CC – Telford, PA — Eight members attended, three more were to join via Zoom but there was a connectivity issue. It was hosted by new member, Joanna B. A big thank you! At the meeting we also met Jackie who is working on her CFI at Infinity Flight School in Trenton, NJ. Along with normal business items, at this meeting it was decided that member Kitt will be the new Web Master. Updating the website has needed to be done for some time, so thanks Kitt!

December 3, 2023 – Annual Holiday Party – Member’s House – Danielsville, PA — Eleven members attended. Thank you Helen for hosting this wonderful evening! It’s always nice to catch up with everyone, especially around the holidays.

October 7, 2023 – Gala Fundraiser Event – Red Lion Inn – Quakertown, PA — Numerous members attended. This was our first organized scholarship fundraiser event. Thank you Beth, Diana, Nancy, Rosanne, Kitt and Amy for all your hours of work putting this event together. It was a great success, looking forward to the next one!

July 12, 2024 – Annual Summer Picnic – Member’s House – Quakertown, PA — Numerous members and their families attended. Thank you Nancy for hosting this annual member picnic. It’s always wonderful talking with everyone and as always, the food was fantastic.

May 11, 2023 – Fundraiser Event – Iron Pigs’ Stadium – Allentown, PA — Five members participated. This was a new event for us to raise funds for operating costs and scholarships. For a few hours members worked the concessions and the money that would have been wages went to the Keystone 99’s as a donation. Bonus was being able to see some of the game, too! Looking forward to partnering with the Iron Pigs again in 2024.

October 8, 2022 – Girl Scouts Outreach – KUKT – Quakertown, PA — Our favorite type of event to do, Girls Scouts outreach. During this event we held nine different stations that girls rotated through to earn their Aviation Badge. Some of the things they learned about were the Four Forces of Flight, Air Traffic Control, talking on the radio, careers in aviation and got to participate in a preflight walkaround of a Cirrus aircraft. Thank you to the parents and management at Quakertown Airport for making this unique experience possible!